Join us February 15 for a live discussion sponsored by The Gospel Project!
For those of us who’ve been Christians for any significant amount of time, the story of Jesus’ life is well known. We can rehearse the details easily because we are familiar with them. And that’s a good thing, but there’s also a danger to familiarity. When we’re familiar with a story, we can overlook the details. We may become apathetic and neglect it altogether, assuming there’s nothing more we can learn. That’s true of the Gospels as well. But God always has more to teach us through the story of Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection.
And this is what we want to help you and your leaders explore in the Christ-Centered Gospels Webcast on February 15, 2017. During this live discussion, our panelists Trevin Wax, Afshin Ziafat, Daniel Darling, Jana Magruder, John Murchison, and Paul W. Martin will address a number of topics, including:
- Whether it is possible to teach about the events of Jesus’ life and ministry and miss the gospel.
- How can we protect ourselves against apathy (and familiarity) when studying and teaching these books.
- Why the hard teachings and miracles of Jesus matter for believers of all ages.
This event gives you and your ministry team an awesome opportunity to gather together and consider something we too often take for granted in the Gospels: the gospel! The Christ-Centered Gospels webcast will be an insightful, challenging, and encouraging time for you and your team.
To register, visit today.
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