First impressions are often lasting impressions. The manner in which first time guests are greeted and welcomed into your Bible study group has great influence on the decision to either join the group or return.
To create a positive first impression, every student and adult group should have a designated host or greeter for the group. Qualifications for this role include a warm smile, ability to converse with diverse people, and a willingness to connect guests with other group members.
Here are a few welcoming suggestions to try :
- Arrive early to insure room is inviting (extra chairs, clean, straightened, etc..)
- Remain close to door as people arrive.
- Warmly greet every person
- Encourage all to wear name tags.
- Spend time with each guest.
- Gather contact information for follow-up.
- Help the guest find a seat and introduce the guest to others.
- Provide study materials and preview the Bible study session with the guest.
- Introduce your guests to group leaders.
- Invite guests to the church’s worship service and next Sunday’s class.
Do you have a designated, trained group greeter (or host)? Who could serve in that role? Contact that person this week to meet and discuss this important role in ministry.
Bruce Raley is director of Church Partnerships with Lifeway Christian Resources. A native of Arkansas, he enjoys hunting, fishing, and traveling with Donna.
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