He’s been there.
Greg Laurie, pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California, experienced the spiritual awakening—the Jesus Revolution—of the early 1970s.
And he has a message to share with churches and small groups today. In the Jesus Revolution Bible Study, Greg Laurie explores powerful truths about revival.
Discover a Reason to Believe that God is Not Finished with Today’s Generation
We live in a time of spiritual apathy and sometimes outright hostility toward the gospel. Jesus Revolution draws important parallels between the early 1970s and today, offering insight and hope for a new generation of believers—and for the next great American revival. This Bible study is an inspiring reminder of the times and people that shaped the lives and faith of those who lived through the revival of the 1970s. Participants will discover a forgotten part of recent American history and, along with it, a reason to believe that God is not finished with today’s generation. (6 sessions)
Laurie highlights the role prayer plays in personal, local, and global revival. Read his thoughts, excerpted from the Jesus Revolution personal study section below:
On Earth as It Is in Heaven
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
(Matthew 6:10)
The second phrase of Jesus’s model prayer for His disciples summed up His earthly ministry. What better description is there of the Christian life? God’s kingdom is God’s rule in this world and the world to come. Jesus’s life inaugurated the kingdom of God on earth. Jesus’s miracles, teachings, and personal example were previews of God’s will being done on earth.
How did Matthew summarize the message Jesus “began to preach”?
What does repentance have to do with the kingdom and will of God?
Now, look at Jesus’s personal example near the end of His ministry, praying before His arrest and crucifixion.
What did Jesus repeatedly pray in Matthew 26:36–46?
Notice that Jesus expressed His natural human desire to our heavenly Father. Just because He wanted to do what honored God didn’t mean it was easy. Jesus knew He was heading to the cross to take on the sins of the world—including ours. Beyond the physical and emotional suffering that He was about to endure through betrayal, injustice, humiliation, torture, and death, Jesus was about to experience the reality of God’s righteous judgment on sin. But He trusted, obeyed, and desired God’s will above His own.
What is most consuming your thoughts and prayers lately?
Write a simple prayer, expressing your desire but also expressing your trust in God’s will, whatever that means.
What does it look like for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done? Most simply, it means that you desire for God’s holiness to be honored in this world and for Him to be loved, trusted, and obeyed by all people as their Father. This starts in your own life.
You have to believe that God and His will are truly more desirable than your own plans, wants, comforts, etc. A Jesus Revolution takes place when you want whatever God wants because He is that good. When you believe that God’s will is not only “right” but is truly “best,” your heart begins to look more like Jesus’.
Many people are skeptical of Christians. Yet many of those same people would say that they respect and admire Jesus. For these folks to see Jesus we need Christians with a revolutionary understanding of the Christian life. We need Christians committed to God’s agenda and His kingdom rather than their own. This is what Jesus lived, died, rose again, and is coming back for: God’s kingdom, not ours. This is what a watching world needs to see in our day-to-day lives.
To end, read and reflect on Matthew 26:36–46. Ask God to help you stay alert in prayer and to desire God’s kingdom and will above your own.
To see a sample session of the Bible study along with a promo video about the Bible study, check out lifeway.com/jesusrevolution.
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