by David Apple
Have you ever thought that groups are more successful only when they increase attendance? These four categories will help us celebrate strategic wins for your group.
- Celebrate when discipleship becomes strategic. Every believer needs to be on the receiving end and the giving end of disciple making. This must be an intentional part of our strategy. Every believer, whether they are active in the group or not are to be on the receiving end of Christian disciplines (Bible reading, prayer, ministry, worship, giving). These disciplines help a believer grow as a follower of Christ. Likewise, every believer, whether they are active in the group or not are to be on the giving end of Christian disciplines. These disciplines help the believer help other believers grow as followers of Christ. Chances are increased that Christians are growing as followers of Christ when they are engaged through a group that focuses on growing as disciples. Celebrate the win!
- Celebrate when God’s Word is vital. Although every group should celebrate ministry, fellowship, and enlargement, don’t apologize for taking priority time to let God speak through His Word. We cannot afford to merely share our own thoughts without being focused on the message and meaning of the Scripture. We win when we stay focused on letting God direct our group through His Word. Celebrate the win!
- Celebrate when every person is a possibility. We win when we help every possible person encounter God through His Word and be receivers of and givers of Christian disciplines.
- It’s wonderful when “members” attend the group, participate in Bible study, engage in ministry and fellowship through the group. Some members are regular attenders while others are unable or unavailable to routinely attend the group. The group wins when we actively invite and enroll people to be part of the group. Chances increase that individuals will participate when they are invited or enrolled.
- Every group needs to develop and nurture a group of people who are not participating in a Bible study group; let’s call them “prospects.” Every group wins when they are nurturing at least as many prospects (including unsaved persons) as they have people enrolled in the group. Chances increase that individuals will connect with Christ and with His people when we nurture individuals.
- Also, every group is looking for workers – those who will help the group focus on teaching, reaching, ministry, and/or fellowship. Some people will prefer a title (if they do the work or not) while some people will resist a title (but will help with the work).
- Celebrate when people come as well as go. The group wins when we include new people or reclaim people who have not participated in Bible study, ministry or fellowship. One of the greatest wins we can celebrate is when a person follows the direction of the Lord to leave our group and serve elsewhere. Other ministries and age groups in the church need the adults in our group. We can celebrate and nurture them as missionaries. Celebrate the win!
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