3 Half-Truths about Marriage You Might Be Believing – Michael Kelley
What image comes to mind when you hear the word “marriage”? A white dress? A ceremony? Joint tax returns? Hopefully, if you are a Christian, there are other things that come to mind as well. Things like “covenant.” “Vows.” “Sickness and health.” As Christians, we believe marriage takes on a sacredness due to the manner in which it reflects something about the gospel and Jesus’ love for the church. But in the midst of that sacredness, we can still drift in our understanding of the importance of marriage.
Stop Making Resolutions – Lifeway Men
I am not a big fan of January. It’s not necessarily because of the cloudy skies and painful cold where I live. And it’s not completely because January feels like this month-long let down after two straight months of holidays, eating and celebrations. Although those are good candidates to dislike the first month of the year, the biggest reason I have issues with January is the pressure to make resolutions. Yes, that list of aspirational goals that remind me of everything I didn’t do last year and the crippling guilt that goes along with it.
Leading Well: Reflecting on the Year and Looking Ahead as a Leader – Lifeway Women’s Ministry
As this year comes to a close, it’s easy to consider how quickly the months have flown by. It’s much easier to consider the possibilities of a new year rather than reflect on the year that’s coming to a close. Yet, as this year winds down, how about stopping for a moment and reflecting on the path you’ve just walked?
5 Important Questions to Ask Yourself When Making a Decision in Your Life – Lifeway Leadership
When you make a decision in your life, how do you know it is the right thing to do? Quick decision making often results in poor decision making. Conversely, long and drawn out decision making can paralyze your life as well as others who look to you for leadership. Is there a way to know we are making the right decisions in life?
6 of the Best Pieces of Hiring Advice I have Received – Eric Geiger
Leading a team is one of the biggest privileges a leader has. You are able to cultivate a culture through the people you place in significant roles, and you are able to serve others alongside the team you serve alongside. Leading a team is also a massive responsibility. You steward the time and energy of many others, and are accountable for how you do so. Selecting people for the team is one of the most important aspects of leading a team. Here are six statements that have impacted how I view hiring or inviting people to join a team.
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