Welcome back for Session 2 of The Power of God’s Names by Tony Evans. We hope you had a good week learning about the importance of God’s names and why He has so many.
If you have questions on how this online Bible study works, then please check out this page.
And don’t forget—if you are falling behind, then we will have the full videos available for free until September 7th.
Below are this week’s video, discussion questions, and your assignment for next week.
Discussion Questions:
- How does the name Jehovah contribute to your understanding of God’s nature and character?
- Dr. Evans listed five aspects of the phrase “I AM WHO I AM” (Ex. 3:14). Which aspect strikes you as interesting or important?
- What’s required of us to relate to God as Adonai?
- What benefit do we receive when we connect with Adonai?
This week, read and complete Week 2: Jehovah & Adonai (pages 39-62) in your Bible study book.
Jehovah is the eternal, infiniinet, God, beyond time and space but thru out it also.
I AM is the personal, relational aspect of God.
To relate to Adonai, our Master we must complete submit to Him.
Adonai leads to the relationship with I AM, the leads to the Power of Elohim! Very cool!!!!!!!!!!
The names of Jehovah and Adonai have been a part of my thinking and prayers this week. No matter our life circumstance, our God is the great I Am who is our all in all. Submitting my life daily to my Master is humbling. Instead of presenting my plans and seeking God’s approval and/or help, I am aware that my life is committed to Him and I seek his guidance.
Jehovah is the self-revealing God. He will reveal things I have never dreamed of and plans he has for me. I have a business and I’ve been second guessing why I went into business with this person. My expectations are higher than my business partners so you can imagine the conflict. But as did this study this week, I realize that Jehovah’s plans for this business is far more than mine. He has been revealing what my next decision should be.
I AM aspect: Eternal One
Adonai: We have to accept He is the one in charge, Master
When we connect with Adonai we get Jehovah and the power of Elohim!