Do you remember when church small group leaders gathered together for training and encouragement? Well, those days are back! Lifeway has partnered with The Small Group Network for a brand new in-person groups conference called “Align.”
Align is a one-day conference that will help you learn the Small Group Ministry essentials. This training is designed to set the Small Group Point Person (SGPP) of your church up for success. Small Groups are not a program of your church, they ARE your church!
Too often the church misses the purpose it was designed for—to change lives. In this training, you will learn how to align your small group ministry to your church’s vision and mission. The SGPP will learn the basics of “why small groups matter,” “what systems are needed,” “how to design a strategy,” “what is needed in your small group ministry structure” and “what their next steps for success will be.”
There are just two more Aligns scheduled in 2021: Align Denver on June 29, and Align Atlanta on October 12. These are designed to be smaller gatherings, so there is a space limit. You can sign up today at the links below.
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