We know the power of small groups. And we’re increasingly finding innovative ways to maximize our connection digitally across our cities, the nation, and even the globe.
Online Bible studies is one way we are stepping into this opportunity. U-Turns and Battle Plan for Prayer launched this past January, and we’ve seen such encouraging results! Thousands of people have joined from across the nation and world to watch the teaching videos, follow along in their Bible study books, and engage in discussion.
You really don’t want to miss this. We have another opportunity for you to join a study!
When does the next Online Bible study start?
On Wednesday, March 3rd, The Prodigal Son by Matt Carter will begin as the first teaching video from session 1 of the Bible study will go live.
What is The Prodigal Son Online Bible study about?
The Prodigal Son is an 8-session Bible study that walks through the parable of the prodigal son verse by verse to show us what it means to follow God and walk with Him in a relationship of love and commitment.
At some point we have all asked, “Is following Jesus really worth it?” But what makes us ask in the first place? Why are we so tempted by the allure of a life outside God’s design? Jesus addressed this question through the well-known parable of the Prodigal Son from the gospel of Luke. In this story, we meet a young man who demands his inheritance and then squanders it in a far-off country away from the watchful eye of his father. When he finds that the world and its pleasures do not deliver on their promises, he arises and returns home.
This Bible study ultimately illustrates that the best life is found in the love of our Father.
Who is the author, Dr. Matt Carter?
Matt Carter serves as the lead pastor of Sagemont Church in Houston, TX. Previously, he and his wife Jennie planted The Austin Stone Community Church in Austin, TX which grew to six campuses and 7,500 attendees every Sunday morning. Co-author of multiple books, Carter holds an M.Div. from Southwestern Seminary and a Doctorate in Expositional Preaching from Southeastern Seminary. He and his wife Jennifer have been married for over twenty years, and they have three children: John Daniel, Annie, and Samuel.
How does an online Bible study work?
It’s simple to join this free experience.
- Sign up for the online Bible study simply through using your LifeWay Account or by creating one. Click here to register.
Purchase a copy of The Prodigal Son Bible Study or eBook. Please note that while a Bible Study Book is not required, we do highly recommend one to enhance your experience going through this Online Bible study. - Join the conversation! Every week, a new teaching session will be posted. Along with the video, you’ll find four discussion questions and a comment section. Pick one or more of the questions to respond to each week and also engage with others from across the nation!
- Once you sign up for the study, you will receive an email each week with a link to the session so you can participate. They’ll be available every Wednesday.
We’re so excited to keep offering this unique group for studying the Bible through such rich and practical teaching. Can’t wait for you to join!
I have xhurch services on Wednesdays nights, can this be rewatched later, because I would love to participate, but not willing to give up my xhurch night, lots of blessings. I feel it takes an extra choice to go in middle of week not just on Sundays, but I need as mych of Yahweh’s Word as I can get and apply. , looking forward to your answer and thank you for this opportunity, i pray people will take time to participate, Sincerely Mary Shaw
My phone is cracked, thats church not xhurch. Thank you again
We’re so thankful you have chosen to study The Prodigal Son with us! We will only offer the videos online for free until May 12th. You can purchase streaming sessions you may have missed individually here or you can purchase downloadable video files here.