On April 29th, the documentary film Kingdom Men Rising will hit theaters nationwide for a two night event with a message that our culture desperately needs right now. As the second theatrical release from Lifeway Films, Kingdom Men Rising offers a reorientation of masculinity – what it should be rather than how society has defined it. This theatrical release co-created with Tony Evans Films looks forward to a future for manhood, and I would hope a reboot of our understanding of how men can contribute to the world that we live in.
Early in Kingdom Men Rising Dr. Tony Evans clearly points out how culture has stripped men of their divine responsibility to be the Godly leader of the family. He says, “… men have made it easy for that to be stripped from them by how men have dishonored women, abused women … So we have facilitated it, but that means it’s time for change. The vision is to cause men to rise up. God asked Adam, ‘Adam, where are you?’ He didn’t ask, ‘Adam and Eve, where are y’all?’ He asked Adam, ‘Where are you?’ Unless the manhood issue gets straight, the culture can’t be saved because of God’s covenantal order. So it’s not only a manhood issue and it’s not only a family issue, it’s a cultural issue.
Each of the men featured in Kingdom Men Rising have had their trials and missteps and they bring it all into the conversation. Historically, I think a man has had a fairly clear understanding of his role. Yet over the course of the last few decades that understanding has dwindled. When you start letting culture define things like masculinity — which God created for good — that’s where the problem begin to emerge.
Kingdom Men Rising hones in on the importance of discipleship. It is vital that men have accountability and live alongside other Christian men to become who God called them to be. This film is the perfect opportunity to reignite a flame for men’s ministries to become a vital part of raising up men of God.
We need to challenged to lead lives of no more sitting on the sidelines, no more passivity, and no more excuses. Kingdom Men Rising is a film for everyone, believers and unbelievers alike, and all who see it will be encouraged and challenged. For more information, visit KingdomMenRising.com
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