It happens every autumn. Vacations are over. Everyone is back to work, back to school, and back to church, which makes it a great time to get back to basics. Give your groups a few refreshers on the fundamentals of our faith with these three Bible studies.
The Gospel
Gospel: Rediscovering the Power of Christianity by J. D. Greear
Are you trying to be more patient? More generous? More … religious? It’s time to learn to simply abide in Jesus. When you are captivated by the love of Christ, the natural results are patience, generosity, kindness, self-control, selflessness, and much more. The gospel is the power of God and the only true source of joy, freedom, and audacious faith. Through this revised Bible study, discover ways to let the gospel work in your heart the way religion never has and never could. (8 sessions)
Faith vs. Works
James: Faith/Works by Matt Chandler
The Book of James is filled with practical wisdom for Christians, calling us to live out genuine faith through good works. In our own ability, we cannot stand in the face of adversity. Without faith we could never find the strength to trust God. We would never be able to see above the trials we meet and to keep our eyes focused on the King while counting our trials as joy. This is the essence of James. We don’t work to be saved; we work because we are saved. (13 sessions)
Kingdom Disciples: Heaven’s Representatives on Earth by Tony Evans
There is a missing force in Christianity today—discipleship. Its absence has led to weak believers, disintegrating families, ineffective churches, and a decaying culture. Without discipleship we lack what we need to fully live as heaven’s representatives on earth. The power, authority, abundance, victory, and impact God has promised will come about only when we understand and align ourselves with His definition of discipleship. This study calls believers and churches back to our primary, divinely ordained responsibility to be disciples and to make disciples. Only when we take this assignment seriously will the world see heaven at work on earth. (6 sessions)
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