Four Ways I’ve Made It Through Difficult Seasons of Ministry —Ronnie Floyd
Disappointment leads to discouragement in ministry. As I have shared with pastors before, you must see these times as seasons, meaning they come and go. Nevertheless, how do you make it through the difficult seasons of ministry?
Three Intentional Steps to Reaching Your Goals – Lifeway Pastors
The crowd at my local YMCA is getting thinner. And I’m not talking about waistlines. Approximately six weeks into the new year many who set the goal to “lose weight and get in shape” are no longer working on that goal. The thinning crowd is one example of how stating a goal is easy, but reaching a goal will require more of you than you thought. The same is true for your pastoral ministry. Someone, somewhere once said, “Goals are dreams with deadlines.”
5 Ways to Honor God Through Work – Lifeway Men’s Ministry
God has indeed made us, by gifting and by calling, for certain tasks. As we fulfill those tasks, we flourish, our families are strengthened, others are well served, and Christ is honored. We need, then, to discover and pursue our vocation.
Another Year of Fighting the Same Old Sin – Lifeway Women’s Ministry
As a ministry leader, do you ever have those seasons in ministry where you feel so frustrated when someone you care about confesses to you that they’ve once again given into sin? Why can’t they stop? Why must we have this conversation again? Or I thought we dealt with this a year ago—or 5 years ago or 15 years ago! What do you mean that sin is back and better than ever?
2 Underlying Beliefs that Make Us Drift from Grace – Michael Kelley
if you’re a Christian you might have once believed that it’s by grace alone that you are saved, apart from anything you can do. But self-justification is a slippery slope. Most of us have, at one point or another, drifted into believing that though we might have been initially made right with God only by His grace, we are kept in good standing with God based on our works. It’s easy to get there.
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