The Path to Peaceful Leadership – Lifeway Leadership
As I have thought through what it means to be a fruitful leader and leader who tends to the soil of the soul, I considered what it would mean to be a “peaceful” leader, to be a leader who bore the fruit of peace in their leadership.
Drinking in True Happiness – Bill Delvaux
Everywhere you look, happiness is assumed to be a fixed sum. If you snatch more of it, then someone else will have less. If you grab more of the pie, then someone else will get less. But if this is how happiness is found, then every conflict, every spat — even every war can be justified. We are forever in a competition with winners and losers.
Four Things We Can Learn from Immigrant Churches – Daniel Hyun
As I serve in a multicultural church context, I often think about the factors which have molded me as a leader. I increasingly recognize that much of who I am and how God has worked through me to pastor across cultures has actually been because of my upbringing in the immigrant church (in my case, the Korean church).God has shown me that my experiences were not hindrances to overcome but rather some of the very reasons I have been able to successfully do what I do.
A Different Perspective on the Race for More Time – Lifeway Women’s Ministry
I’m just like anyone else, so I read all the articles and advice, and nothing really changed. I still struggled with time management challenges and the frustrations that come with having a busy life and trying to be a good steward of my time—until I learned something that changed my perspective on time and the quest to have more of it. This is not original to me, but it has had a huge impact on my life as a leader. I share it with you in the hope that you too can enjoy the difference it makes when you gain a new perspective.
One Other Reason You’re Hopefully Reading the Bible This Year – Michael Kelley
If you’re a Christian, there has probably been a time around the first of the year when you’ve done the research to find a Bible reading plan to read through the whole thing in a year, or the New Testament in a year, or some other track to get you in God’s Word every day. I’m with you. We know as Christians that there’s not a better thing we can do than to immerse ourselves in God’s Word, and the first of the year is a great time to try and incorporate that discipline into our lives.
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