What are some home remedies you rely on when you’re sick?
When it comes to pain and illness, many of us fall into one of three categories:
1. Call the doctor—immediately.
2. Try our own home remedies or over-the-counter solutions.
3. Ignore it and hope it goes away.
The Gospel of Mark records the story of a man who needed medical help for his daughter and he wisely went to Jesus. And we’ll see the incredible result of his faith.
Read Mark 5:22-24
Jairus was a big deal in the community. Beyond the temple in Jerusalem, the local synagogue was the center of community life. As one of the synagogue leaders, Jairus had responsibilities in leading worship and instruction. These men were the highest ranking leaders in the town, responsible for the total administration and operation of the most powerful establishment around.
In the Gospel of John, we read another account of a religious official who came to Jesus. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, came to Jesus under the cover of darkness, when people wouldn’t see him conversing with such a controversial, untrained rabbi (John 3:1-2). We see a sharp contrast, however, in the way Jairus came to Jesus. With a large crowd watching, Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet—and begged for His help.
In the first century, a Middle Eastern man in a high position carried himself with utmost dignity at all times. Such a man never would have fallen to his knees, much less laid prostrate on the ground, but Jairus did both, making himself a public spectacle. Jairus did not care that a large crowd had gathered around Jesus. Neither did he care that Jesus was unpopular with the religious elite. All he knew was this Jesus had the ability to heal people, and Jesus was his last shot. Jairus knew where his hope lay. He understood what was important.
Jairus begged one thing: “My little daughter is dying. Come and lay your hands on her so that she can get well and live.” Jairus was facing something he absolutely could not control. His daughter’s life was entirely out of His hands, and it was tearing him apart.
But just because the situation was out of Jairus’s hands does not mean he had no hope. On the contrary, he knew precisely where he could place that hope: in the hands of the Healer. He did not ask Jesus to come and “try” to heal his daughter; his words were full of certainty. He said, “Lay your hands on her so that she can get well and live” (emphasis added). It was only by Jesus’ hands that healing could come—and it would come if Jesus wanted it to.
Many of us initially approach Christ in the same way: we come out of desperation, but only after we have tried all human possibilities for relief. We are desperate for healing, restoration, direction, purpose, identity, or freedom from the bondage of sin and addiction. Whatever the source of our desperation, we look to Jesus for help.
Thankfully, Jesus does not turn us away. He comes when we seek Him even as He did with Jairus. He didn’t turn Jairus away because of any past rebellion or disobedience; indeed, Jesus never even mentioned such things. Jesus looked on him with compassion and met him right where he was.
What are some common obstacles that keep us from turning to Jesus with our needs?
This article is an excerpt from Jesus Changes Everything, a six-session study in the Winter 2017–18 Bible Studies for Life. Learn more about this ongoing curriculum and preview one month for free at biblestudiesforlife.com.
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