In the wake of the events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, it is important that your small group discusses the issues of our country from a biblical perspective. How should we respond to both sides? How do we help our culture deal with its racial problems?
I’m privileged to serve on the team at Lifeway, and below are two Bible studies to help small group leaders think biblically about race and cultural engagement.
See below for the links.
Rob Tims has been married to Holly for 17 years. They have four children: Trey, Jonathan, Abby, and Luke. He has served in the local church for 20 years as a children’s pastor, student pastor, and senior pastor. He currently serves on a team at Lifeway Christian Resources that develops customized Bible studies for groups and teaches two classes for Liberty University School of Divinity Online. He is the author of the book Southern Fried Faith: Confusing Christ and Culture in the Bible Belt.
Thank you for providing this two free resources. Great tools for a topic that has the potential to be disastrous if not addressed correctly.