Today’s Reading: John 17
John 17 is referred to as Jesus’ “High Priestly Prayer.” Jesus’ prayer on the eve of His arrest and trials includes a prayer for Himself, a prayer for His disciples, and a prayer for future believers of every age. Jesus’ prayer for Himself was that He would glorify His Father through His death. He then prayed that His disciples would glorify the Father by preserving the unity they had in Jesus. Within this section of the prayer, Jesus petitioned the Father to protect His disciples from the Evil One. Finally, Jesus prayed for all who would come to believe in Him in the future. He wanted these believers to experience unity and grow in knowledge and love. By demonstrating unity, unbelievers would respond to the proclamation of the gospel while believers glorify the Father. Jesus’ selfless prayer is a model for all of us.
Take some time to write out your own prayer using Jesus’ prayer in John 17 as a guide.
Memory Verses: Luke 23:34; John 17:3
Don’t forget to download this week’s memory verses! (Download here and here.)
Excerpted from Robby & Kandi Gallaty, Foundations: A 260-Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Believers. © 2017 Lifeway Press. Used by permission.
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