Though there will be many Shakespearean sonnets about small group leaders for you to read this Valentine’s season, may this one also be a powerful encouragement.
Small Group Leader Sonnet Number One
When doth our hearts thy wisdom seem to fill
Like broken ships beneath the ocean waves,
We ponder powers greater than our will,
Discussion questions that our circle craves.
Such honest words do in our discourse flow.
They stir and build till all our hearts are one.
We feel the joy in thee doth quickly grow
When not a single rabbit trail’s been run.
We feast on potluck, feast community,
While nigh to Spirit, nigh by Spirit drawn
We sing and share and only then do we
Find hugs are bursting forth like faithful dawn.
Now kindly thou must open up the floor
And let us yet discuss the rapture more.
Brandon Hiltibidal is a former church planter and multi-site pastor, and he is now part of the Groups Ministry team at Lifeway Christian Resources. He and his wife have two little girls. You can read about his group ministry and his girls on Twitter: @bmhiltibidal.
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