“You have everybody in your church right now to do everything God wants you to do right now.”
The Bible says God places people in the body as He sees fit. When God puts people in a particular church, He has a purpose and ministry for that person. Our responsibility as leaders is to help people find their place of ministry in His church. — Bruce Raley
“Confession of sin without repentance turns a small group into a counseling session void of transformation.”
Small groups often talk about confessing sin to one another. In order to live holy lives, God calls every believer to repentance (a turning away from the sin activity confessed), which should always accompany the confession. It’s through the turning away from sin and striving to avoid such that the greatest transformation takes place. Group leaders would do well to speak often of repentance. In so doing they establish a practice that is both God glorifying and biblically responsible. — Rick Howerton
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